

An interface that caplin.chart.Chart must implement if it wishes to use the caplin.chart.Series. The interface provides callback methods that will be called when chart series data comes in.

Chart components should have a map to keep track of the series they are displaying.

Constructor Summary

Attributes Name and Description

Method Summary

Attributes Name and Description
void onSeriesData(String sSeriesId, Array pData, Boolean bReset)

Notification method called by caplin.chart.Series when new series data is available.

void onSeriesError(String sSeriesId, String sError)

Notification method called by caplin.chart.Series when a subscription error occurs.

void onSeriesStatusUpdate(String sSeriesId, String sStatus)

Notification method called by caplin.chart.Series on subscription status change.

Constructor Detail


Method Detail

void onSeriesData(String sSeriesId, Array pData, Boolean bReset)

Notification method called by caplin.chart.Series when new series data is available.

String sSeriesId The series ID of the new data.
Array pData Chart series data.
Boolean bReset A boolean indicating whether the chart should remove existing data and add it again.

void onSeriesError(String sSeriesId, String sError)

Notification method called by caplin.chart.Series when a subscription error occurs.

String sSeriesId The series ID on which an error occurred.
String sError A string description of the error.

void onSeriesStatusUpdate(String sSeriesId, String sStatus)

Notification method called by caplin.chart.Series on subscription status change.

String sSeriesId The series ID on which a status updated.
String sStatus A string description of the status.