

Enumeration which represents the errors that can occur for a subject.

The SubscriptionErrorType will be provided on a onSubscriptionError callback to a caplin.streamlink.SubscriptionListener.

Constructor Summary

Attributes Name and Description

Field Summary

Attributes Name and Description
<static> caplin.streamlink.SubscriptionErrorType.DELETED

The subject has been deleted.

<static> caplin.streamlink.SubscriptionErrorType.INVALID_PARAMETERS

Supplied parameters are invalid for this subject type.

<static> caplin.streamlink.SubscriptionErrorType.NOT_FOUND

The subject could not be found.

<static> caplin.streamlink.SubscriptionErrorType.OK

No error.

<static> caplin.streamlink.SubscriptionErrorType.READ_DENIED

The client does not have permission to read the subject.

<static> caplin.streamlink.SubscriptionErrorType.UNAVAILABLE

The subject was not available.

<static> caplin.streamlink.SubscriptionErrorType.WRITE_DENIED

The client does not have permission to write to the subject.

<static> caplin.streamlink.SubscriptionErrorType.WRITE_DENIED_DUE_TO_LICENSE

The client cannot contribute due to the Liberator's licensing limits being exceeded.

Constructor Detail


Field Detail

<static> caplin.streamlink.SubscriptionErrorType.DELETED

The subject has been deleted.

<static> caplin.streamlink.SubscriptionErrorType.INVALID_PARAMETERS

Supplied parameters are invalid for this subject type.

<static> caplin.streamlink.SubscriptionErrorType.NOT_FOUND

The subject could not be found.

<static> caplin.streamlink.SubscriptionErrorType.OK

No error.

<static> caplin.streamlink.SubscriptionErrorType.READ_DENIED

The client does not have permission to read the subject.

<static> caplin.streamlink.SubscriptionErrorType.UNAVAILABLE

The subject was not available.

<static> caplin.streamlink.SubscriptionErrorType.WRITE_DENIED

The client does not have permission to write to the subject.

<static> caplin.streamlink.SubscriptionErrorType.WRITE_DENIED_DUE_TO_LICENSE

The client cannot contribute due to the Liberator's licensing limits being exceeded.