

Represents a subscription to a subject on the Liberator.

Constructor Summary

Attributes Name and Description

Method Summary

Attributes Name and Description
void getSubject()


Returns the subject name to which the subscription relates (for example, /FX/EURUSD).

void getSubscriptionListener()


Returns the caplin.streamlink.SubscriptionListener that is informed of all * subscription events relating to this subscription.

void setContainerWindow( start, size)


Sets the container window for this subscription.

void unsubscribe()


Unsubscribes to the subject on the Liberator.

Constructor Detail


Method Detail

void getSubject()


Returns the subject name to which the subscription relates (for example, /FX/EURUSD).

* @returns {String} The subject of this subscription.

void getSubscriptionListener()


Returns the caplin.streamlink.SubscriptionListener that is informed of all * subscription events relating to this subscription.

* @returns {caplin.streamlink.SubscriptionListener} The subscription listener.

void setContainerWindow( start, size)


Sets the container window for this subscription.

* *

If the subject type of this subscription is not a container then this method will throw * an exception.

* *

Note: A container element is referred to by its index within the container. * The first element of a container has index 0 (zero).

* *@param {int} start The index of the container element that is at the start of the container window. *@param {int} size The number of elements in the container window.


void unsubscribe()


Unsubscribes to the subject on the Liberator.