Interface MappingDataProvider

public interface MappingDataProvider

This interface allows you to define mapping data that StandardKeyMaster adds to the signed credentials tokens it generates. Liberator can then be configured to use this mapping data when it maps the subject requests of trade subscriptions.

For example, if getMappingData(HttpServletRequest) returns the map [“key”: “value”], and if Liberator is configured to map /FX/ to /FX/%{key}, Liberator will change all requests for the subject /FX/ to /FX/value.

For further information about using this feature, refer to the KeyMaster Administration Guide document.

Method Summary
 Map<String,String> getMappingData(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest httpRequest)
          StandardKeyMaster calls this method to get a map of key-value pairs, and adds this data to the signed credentials token it generates.

Method Detail


Map<String,String> getMappingData(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest httpRequest)
StandardKeyMaster calls this method to get a map of key-value pairs, and adds this data to the signed credentials token it generates.

httpRequest - The original request object received by the StandardKeyMaster servlet.
A map of key-value pairs. Each key in the map can only contain alphanumeric characters, the underscore, and the period (full stop) character.

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