

A class to help you manage caplin.chart.Series objects.

Constructor Summary

Attributes Name and Description

Constructs a new caplin.chart.series.SeriesManager.

Method Summary

Attributes Name and Description
void add(String seriesId, caplin.chart.Series series)

Adds a caplin.chart.Series to the manager.

void dispose(String seriesIdToRetain)

Disposes of all caplin.chart.Series objects stored in this manager.

Array getAll()

Returns all caplin.chart.Series objects in this manager.

caplin.chart.Series|null getById(String seriesId)

Returns a caplin.chart.Series object if found in the manager, null otherwise.

Number getCount()

Returns the number of caplin.chart.Series objects in this manager.

void remove(String seriesId, Boolean dispose)

Removes the caplin.chart.Series object from the manager.

String serialize()

Returns a XML representation of all the series stored in this manager.

Constructor Detail


Constructs a new caplin.chart.series.SeriesManager.

Method Detail

void add(String seriesId, caplin.chart.Series series)

Adds a caplin.chart.Series to the manager.

String seriesId The ID of the series.
caplin.chart.Series series Nhe series object to store.
If series is not an instance of caplin.chart.Series.

void dispose(String seriesIdToRetain)

Disposes of all caplin.chart.Series objects stored in this manager. It will call {@linkcaplin.chart.Series#dispose} on each object before removing it.

String seriesIdToRetain (optional) If set the series object with this ID will not be removed.

Array getAll()

Returns all caplin.chart.Series objects in this manager.


caplin.chart.Series|null getById(String seriesId)

Returns a caplin.chart.Series object if found in the manager, null otherwise.

String seriesId ID of the series.

Number getCount()

Returns the number of caplin.chart.Series objects in this manager.


void remove(String seriesId, Boolean dispose)

Removes the caplin.chart.Series object from the manager. By default it will first call caplin.chart.Series#dispose on the series object.

String seriesId ID of the series to remove
Boolean dispose Call dispose on the series object before removing it (defaults to true).

String serialize()

Returns a XML representation of all the series stored in this manager. This method will call caplin.chart.Series#serialize on each stored series object.
