

A control adaptor that allows the ExtJs ComboBox control to be used to render instances of caplin.presenter.node.SelectionField within presenter.

The ExtJs ComboBox control is aliased by br.combo-box, and can be used within templates as follows:

  <span data-bind="controlNode:selectionFieldProperty, control:'br.combo-box'"></span>

By default caplin.presenter.node.SelectionField#options are used to generate validation errors if the user types something other than one of the available options, but you can invoke caplin.presenter.node.SelectionField#allowInvalidSelections with true if you'd prefer options to act as a list of suggestions only.

Constructor Summary

Attributes Name and Description

This class is constructed by presenter automatically on your behalf.

Methods implemented from class caplin.presenter.control.ControlAdaptor:
destroy, getElement, onViewReady, setElement, setOptions, setPresentationNode

Constructor Detail


This class is constructed by presenter automatically on your behalf.