Caplin Trader 5.0.0

Class: module:ct-chart/study/Volume

module:ct-chart/study/Volume(alias, derivationParams, listener, configOverridesopt)

new module:ct-chart/study/Volume(alias, derivationParams, listener, configOverridesopt)

Constructs a new Volume.

A study that extracts the volume data from inbound series data.

This study requires no derivation options. By default it will use the volume field as the value for calculating the study data. If you require a different field, set a field property in the derivation options. See module:ct-chart/series/Fields for details.

This study is aliased by the caplin.chart-volume-study alias. To create a new instance of this study use the module:ct-chart/study/Factory.

Name Type Attributes Description
alias Object

The Study alias.

derivationParams Object

Study derivation options.

listener Object

A listener object that implements the module:ct-chart/study/StudyListener interface.

configOverrides Object <optional>

Configuration overrides passed to the parent class. This study overrides the representationTypes and isolate options.




Extracts the volume data from the inbound series data.

Once completed it will invoke the module:ct-chart/study/StudyListener#onStudyData method on its listener.

The format of the calculated data is: [[timestamp, volume], ...]

Name Type Description
data Array

Chart series data in the Caplin Format.
