

The SLJSContainerDataProvider class allows grids to be populated using an RTTP container available on a Liberator that is connected to using StreamLinkJS. It is a concrete example of a caplin.grid.GridDataProvider class — which is typically used to allow data to be made available within a grid.

Constructor Summary

Attributes Name and Description
caplin.grid.dataprovider.sljs.SLJSContainerDataProvider( caplin)

Constructs an SLJSContainerDataProvider instance — end-users will never need to do this themselves since grids are fully constructed based on their XML definition files by the caplin.grid.GridGenerator class.

Methods implemented from class caplin.grid.GridDataProvider:
addDataProviderListener, clearFilterExpression, clearGroupByField, clearSortRule, configureDataProvider, getAllFilterExpressions, getFilterExpression, getGroupByField, getPermissionKey, getSerializedState, getSortRule, getStartIndex, getSubjectIdentifiers, getTransformMode, injectData, pauseUpdates, removeDataProviderListener, requestAllData, resumeUpdates, setFilterExpression, setFilters, setGridView, setGroupByField, setRequiredFields, setRowData, setRowRange, setSortRule, setTransformMode, supportsFeature, terminateUpdates

Constructor Detail

caplin.grid.dataprovider.sljs.SLJSContainerDataProvider( caplin)

Constructs an SLJSContainerDataProvider instance — end-users will never need to do this themselves since grids are fully constructed based on their XML definition files by the caplin.grid.GridGenerator class.
