

The ColumnSortDecorator adds sort behaviour to the column headers. This is activated by a click on the column header and results in the sort order changing between none, ascending and descending, in that order.

Constructor Summary

Attributes Name and Description
caplin.grid.decorator.ColumnSortDecorator(Object oGridConfig)

Constructs a caplin.grid.decorator.ColumnSortDecorator instance — end-users will never need to do this themselves since grids are fully constructed based on their XML definition files by the caplin.grid.GridGenerator class.

Field Summary

Attributes Name and Description
<static> caplin.grid.decorator.ColumnSortDecorator.SORT_ACTION

What action on the column header triggers sorting.

Methods implemented from class caplin.grid.decorator.GridDecorator:
Methods implemented from class caplin.grid.GridViewListener:
onActivate, onAllRowsReceived, onClose, onContainerHtmlRendered, onDeactivate, onHide, onMaximize, onMinimize, onOpen, onResize, onRestore, onRowStructureChanged, onScroll, onScrollComplete, onScrollHorizontal, onScrollVertical, onShow, onViewRedrawn, onVisibleRowCountChanged
Methods implemented from class caplin.grid.GridColumnModelListener:
onApplyFilters, onColumnsAdded, onColumnsRemoved, onFiltersChanged, onRequiredFieldsChanged, onSortColumnChanged, onWidthChanged

Constructor Detail

caplin.grid.decorator.ColumnSortDecorator(Object oGridConfig)

Constructs a caplin.grid.decorator.ColumnSortDecorator instance — end-users will never need to do this themselves since grids are fully constructed based on their XML definition files by the caplin.grid.GridGenerator class.

Object oGridConfig config object

Field Detail

<static> String caplin.grid.decorator.ColumnSortDecorator.SORT_ACTION

What action on the column header triggers sorting.