

The PresentationModelFixture serves to manipulate and verify the state of the presentation model of a presenter component.

Constructor Summary

Attributes Name and Description

Constructs a caplin.presenter.testing.PresentationModelFixture.

Method Summary

Attributes Name and Description
void canHandleProperty(String sProperty)

The PresentationModelFixture handles all valid properties and methods within the presentation model of a presenter component.

void doGiven(String sProperty, Variant vValue)

This method enables the fixture to set the value on a presentation node or property within the presentation model of a presenter component.

void doThen(String sProperty, Variant vValue)

This method enables the fixture to verify the values on the properties of the presentation model of a presenter component, including NodeLists.

void doWhen(String sProperty, Variant vValue)

This method enables the fixture to set the value on a presentation node or property within the presentation model of a presenter component.

Methods implemented from class caplin.component.testing.ComponentModelFixture:

Constructor Detail


Constructs a caplin.presenter.testing.PresentationModelFixture.

Method Detail

void canHandleProperty(String sProperty)

The PresentationModelFixture handles all valid properties and methods within the presentation model of a presenter component. Nested property nodes in a presentation model can be referenced by dotted notation.

String sProperty The property name to check.

void doGiven(String sProperty, Variant vValue)

This method enables the fixture to set the value on a presentation node or property within the presentation model of a presenter component. In addition, it is also possible to trigger the invocation of a method defined within the presentation model, using the 'invoked' property.

String sProperty The property name
Variant vValue The value to check.

void doThen(String sProperty, Variant vValue)

This method enables the fixture to verify the values on the properties of the presentation model of a presenter component, including NodeLists. It is also possible to check the 'invocationCount' on a method within the presentation model.

String sProperty The property name
Variant vValue The value to set.

void doWhen(String sProperty, Variant vValue)

This method enables the fixture to set the value on a presentation node or property within the presentation model of a presenter component. In addition, it is also possible to trigger the invocation of a method defined within the presentation model, using the 'invoked' property.

String sProperty The property name
Variant vValue The value to set.