

The class is still in Beta and is subject to API changes.
The ComponentLifecycleEvents interface is implemented by classes that need to observe a particular component's life-cycle events. caplin.component.Component instances themselves automatically implement this interface, since Component extends ComponentLifecycleEvents.

Component life cycle events are emitted by the object that hosts the components. This is either the top-level caplin.component.frame.FrameManager for the application, or any composite type component that itself contains other components. Overriding any of the methods in this listener interface is optional, but doing so will enable you to react to the related event.

The FrameManager determines whether the event methods are called immediately before or immediately after the event they refer to.

Constructor Summary

Attributes Name and Description

Method Summary

Attributes Name and Description
void onActivate()

Invoked when the frame becomes the active or focused frame within the page.

void onClose()

Invoked when the frame containing this component is closed.

void onDeactivate()

Invoked when the frame ceases to be the active or focused frame within the page.

void onHide()

Invoked when a frame is no longer in view.

void onMaximize()

Invoked when the frame has been maximized.

void onMinimize()

Invoked when the frame has been minimized.

void onOpen(int nWidth, int nHeight)

Invoked when the frame is first displayed.

void onResize(int nWidth, int nHeight)

Invoked when the dimensions of the frame change.

void onRestore()

Invoked when the frame has been restored from a minimized or maximized state.

void onShow()

Invoked when a frame that has been hidden (see #onHide) is now back in view.

Constructor Detail


Method Detail

void onActivate()

Invoked when the frame becomes the active or focused frame within the page.

void onClose()

Invoked when the frame containing this component is closed.

This method should be used to clean up any resources the component currently has open, including SL4B subscriptions and any other listeners that may have been registered. Once onClose() has been called no further methods will be called for this component.

It is possible for the onClose() method to be invoked before onOpen() if the component was instantiated but never displayed (for example if the user was not permissioned to view the component) in which case this method should only be used to clean up any resources it has opened within its constructor, and not those that it would have opened within onOpen().

void onDeactivate()

Invoked when the frame ceases to be the active or focused frame within the page.

void onHide()

Invoked when a frame is no longer in view. It should stop or suspend any resources that may be processor intensive, such as SL4B subscriptions, so they are not active whilst the frame is hidden.


void onMaximize()

Invoked when the frame has been maximized.


void onMinimize()

Invoked when the frame has been minimized.


void onOpen(int nWidth, int nHeight)

Invoked when the frame is first displayed. It will only ever be called once, which will always be after the caplin.component.Component#getElement method has been called on the Component.

FrameManager implementations must invoke this method after the element returned by Component.getElement() has been added to the page. Initalization code that needs to know the size of the component, or that uses the computed CSS styles that will only become valid after the component's HTML has been added to the view should be placed here.

int nWidth The width of the frame, in pixels.
int nHeight The height of the frame, in pixels.

void onResize(int nWidth, int nHeight)

Invoked when the dimensions of the frame change.

int nWidth The new width of the frame, in pixels.
int nHeight The new height of the frame, in pixels.

void onRestore()

Invoked when the frame has been restored from a minimized or maximized state.


void onShow()

Invoked when a frame that has been hidden (see #onHide) is now back in view. It should restore any resources that were stopped or suspended by onHide().

Note that this method is not called when the component within the frame is first displayed (see #onOpen).