

The class is still in Beta and is subject to API changes.
Utility used for displaying a template in a caplin.presenter.node.NodeList, where the template does not need to bind to a real caplin.presenter.node.PresentationNode.

Constructor Summary

Attributes Name and Description
caplin.presenter.node.TemplateNode(String sTemplateName)

Constructs a new instance of TemplateNode that will cause the given template name to be displayed when #getTemplateName is invoked.

Methods inherited from class caplin.presenter.node.PresentationNode:
getPath, nodes, properties, removeAllListeners
Methods implemented from class caplin.presenter.node.TemplateAware:

Constructor Detail

caplin.presenter.node.TemplateNode(String sTemplateName)

Constructs a new instance of TemplateNode that will cause the given template name to be displayed when #getTemplateName is invoked.

String sTemplateName The name of the template to use.