

The NoDataFoundBubbleMessageDecorator renders a bubble containing an explanatory message header and body over any grid when there is no data to be displayed. The headerText attribute will set the header text of the bubble and the bodyText attribute will set the body message. A third attribute, classname adds a CSS class string to the message bubles's main element. Default message if attributes are omitted: headerText: "No matching products found" bodyText: "Please adjust your search criteria." classname: ""

Constructor Summary

Attributes Name and Description
caplin.grid.decorator.NoDataFoundBubbleMessageDecorator(Object mDecoratorConfig)

Constructs a caplin.grid.decorator.NoDataFoundBubbleMessageDecorator instance — end-users will never need to do this themselves since grids are fully constructed based on their XML definition files by the caplin.grid.GridGenerator class.

Methods implemented from class caplin.grid.decorator.GridDecorator:
Methods implemented from class caplin.grid.GridViewListener:
onActivate, onAllRowsReceived, onClose, onContainerHtmlRendered, onDeactivate, onHide, onMaximize, onMinimize, onOpen, onResize, onRestore, onRowStructureChanged, onScroll, onScrollComplete, onScrollHorizontal, onScrollVertical, onShow, onViewRedrawn, onVisibleRowCountChanged
Methods implemented from class caplin.grid.GridRowModelListener:
onAllDataReceived, onRowContentsChanged, onRowDataReceived, onRowDataRequested, onRowDataUnavailable, onRowModelStateChanged, onSizeChanged, onStartIndexChanged

Constructor Detail

caplin.grid.decorator.NoDataFoundBubbleMessageDecorator(Object mDecoratorConfig)

Constructs a caplin.grid.decorator.NoDataFoundBubbleMessageDecorator instance — end-users will never need to do this themselves since grids are fully constructed based on their XML definition files by the caplin.grid.GridGenerator class.

Object mDecoratorConfig config object