

The TradeOnBehalfOfListener interface allows interested parties to be informed when a "trade on behalf of" change is initiated by the object, and when the "trade on behalf of" change is completed.

Constructor Summary

Attributes Name and Description

Method Summary

Attributes Name and Description
void tradeOnBehalfOfChangeCompleted(String sPermissionable)

A "trade on behalf of" change has been completed, and any subsequent prices are from the new tier.

void tradeOnBehalfOfChangeFailed(String sPermissionable)

A pending "trade on behalf of" change has failed, and any subsequent prices are from the old tier.

void tradeOnBehalfOfChangeInitiated(String sPermissionable)

A "trade on behalf of" change has been initiated, and we are currently awaiting prices for the new tier.

Constructor Detail

Method Detail

void tradeOnBehalfOfChangeCompleted(String sPermissionable)

A "trade on behalf of" change has been completed, and any subsequent prices are from the new tier.

String sPermissionable A string representing the permissionable item that we are now "trading on behalf of".

void tradeOnBehalfOfChangeFailed(String sPermissionable)

A pending "trade on behalf of" change has failed, and any subsequent prices are from the old tier.

String sPermissionable A string representing the permissionable item that we failed to "trading on behalf of".

void tradeOnBehalfOfChangeInitiated(String sPermissionable)

A "trade on behalf of" change has been initiated, and we are currently awaiting prices for the new tier. Any existing prices should be considered stale.

String sPermissionable A string representing the permissionable item that we are going to "trade on behalf of".