

Provides all the necessary classes needed to build real-time grids and integration with other systems.

Grid instances are constructed from an XML definition.

A grid can be defined inline, where the grid specifies precisely which row model, columns and decorators it has. An example of an inline grid is displayed below:

<grid displayedColumns="description, rate">
      <rttpContainerGridDataProvider container="/CONTAINER/FX/G8" />
      <column id="description" />
      <column id="rate" />
      <column id="size" />
      <dragDecorator />

Alternatively a grid can be defined using a template. This allows central configuration of the core characteristics of a particular type of grid, which can be modified without having to update every grid instance. An example of a grid defined with a template is included below:

Grid Definition

<grid displayedColumns="description, bidSize, bid, ask, askSize" />

Grid Template Definition File

<gridDefinitions xmlns="">
      <dataProviderMapping id="rttpContainerGridDataProvider" className="caplin.grid.RttpContainerGridDataProvider"/>

      <decoratorMapping id="dragDecorator" className="caplin.grid.decorator.DragDecorator"/>

      <gridTemplate id="FX" displayedColumns="description, bid, ask">
            <dragDecorator />
            <column id="description" />
            <column id="bid" />
            <column id="ask" />
            <column id="bidSize" />
            <column id="askSize" />

Constructor Summary

Attributes Name and Description

Constructor Detail
