

The InstrumentReceiver interface is primarily implemented by components that wish to participate in drag&drop operations. By implementing this one interface however, trader applications that wish to employ other mechanisms for instrument addition, can do this in a generalized way that will work with all components.

Constructor Summary

Attributes Name and Description

Method Summary

Attributes Name and Description
boolean canReceive()

Whether a receiver is currently accepting new objects.

boolean canReceiveMultipleObjects()

Whether the receiver is able to handle multiple objects.

boolean canReceiveObjects(Array pObjects)

Use this to determine if the objects being dropped can be received.

String getLastReceiveFailureMessage()

This method is abstract and must be implemented by subclasses.

String getSuccessMessage()

This method is abstract and must be implemented by subclasses.

void receiveObjects(Array pObjects)

The callback method that is invoked when an object is dropped onto the implementing object.

Constructor Detail


Method Detail

boolean canReceive()

Whether a receiver is currently accepting new objects.

boolean canReceiveMultipleObjects()

Whether the receiver is able to handle multiple objects.

boolean canReceiveObjects(Array pObjects)

Use this to determine if the objects being dropped can be received.

Array pObjects The list of object names about to passed to this receiver

String getLastReceiveFailureMessage()

This method is abstract and must be implemented by subclasses.

This method is used when canReceiveObjects() returns false and an error message is required to explain why the objects were not accepted.

String getSuccessMessage()

This method is abstract and must be implemented by subclasses.

This method is used when canReceiveObjects() returns true and a success message is required to explain when the objects are accepted.

void receiveObjects(Array pObjects)

The callback method that is invoked when an object is dropped onto the implementing object.

Array pObjects The list of object names being passed to this receiver