

Constructor Summary

Attributes Name and Description
caplin.workbench.messaging.MessageEditorMainControl(caplin.presenter.node.MappedNodeList recordNodes)

The top section of the message editor workbench tool that allows user to set status and send updates for all the record nodes at once.

Method Summary

Attributes Name and Description
void decrementSpeed()

Decrement time property (updates per second) by 1 (scale of 1 to 20)

void incrementSpeed()

Increment time property (updates per second) by 1 (scale of 1 to 20)

void send()

Call the send methods on all record nodes (which sends the data in each node's data fields)

Constructor Detail

caplin.workbench.messaging.MessageEditorMainControl(caplin.presenter.node.MappedNodeList recordNodes)

The top section of the message editor workbench tool that allows user to set status and send updates for all the record nodes at once.

caplin.presenter.node.MappedNodeList recordNodes The list of RecordNodes.

Method Detail

void decrementSpeed()

Decrement time property (updates per second) by 1 (scale of 1 to 20)

void incrementSpeed()

Increment time property (updates per second) by 1 (scale of 1 to 20)

void send()

Call the send methods on all record nodes (which sends the data in each node's data fields)