

Applies a CSS class to a control, conditionally on the value matches the regular expression.

RegExpStyler is typically used in the XML Renderer Framework.

Constructor Summary

Attributes Name and Description

Method Summary

Attributes Name and Description
void style(Variant vValue, Map mAttributes, caplin.control.Control oControl)

Applies a CSS class to a control, conditionally on the value matches the regular expression.

Constructor Detail


Method Detail

void style(Variant vValue, Map mAttributes, caplin.control.Control oControl)

Applies a CSS class to a control, conditionally on the value matches the regular expression.

Attribute Options:

Option Description
invert if set to true, a non-match will be considered a successful match
class the CSS class name to apply upon a successful match.
select if set to true, the control value will be selected upon a successful match.

Variant vValue the value to match
Map mAttributes the list of attributes, specified here and in caplin.element.formatter.RegExpFormatter.
caplin.control.Control oControl control to apply the CSS class