

Listens to connection information provided by the ConnectionService.

Constructor Summary

Attributes Name and Description

Method Summary

Attributes Name and Description
void onConnectionAvailable(sLiberatorUrl Liberator)

Will be called when the connection is ready and all the services are up.

void onConnectionInfo(sMessage )

Will be called when any message which doesn't affect the connection state arrives.

void onConnectionLimited(pReasons A)

Will be called when not all sources of data are up and this connection is not completely ok.

void onConnectionUnavailable(string liberatorUrl, string reason)

Will be called when the connection is down.

Constructor Detail

Method Detail

void onConnectionAvailable(sLiberatorUrl Liberator)

Will be called when the connection is ready and all the services are up.

sLiberatorUrl Liberator url which provides the connection.

void onConnectionInfo(sMessage )

Will be called when any message which doesn't affect the connection state arrives.


void onConnectionLimited(pReasons A)

Will be called when not all sources of data are up and this connection is not completely ok. Some data may be missing or stale.

pReasons A list of reasons of why this connection is limited.

void onConnectionUnavailable(string liberatorUrl, string reason)

Will be called when the connection is down.

string liberatorUrl Liberator url from which the connection has been lost (could be empty if no connection has been stablished at any point).
string reason Optional reason why the connection has become unavailable, e.g. "LOGINFAILED".