

Applies a CSS class to a control, conditionally on the value of some state variable.

ClassStyler is typically used in the XML Renderer Framework.

Constructor Summary

Attributes Name and Description

Applies a CSS style to a control.

Method Summary

Attributes Name and Description
void style(Variant value, Map attributes, caplin.control.Control control)

Applies a CSS class to a control, conditionally on the value of some state variable.

Constructor Detail


Applies a CSS style to a control.

Method Detail

void style(Variant value, Map attributes, caplin.control.Control control)

Applies a CSS class to a control, conditionally on the value of some state variable.

attributes properties:

Property Description
state state variable
class CSS class name to add or remove

Variant value The control value.
Map attributes The map of attributes.
caplin.control.Control control The control.