

Implements caplin.element.Parser.
Matches a date string and converts it to a specified output format.

DateParser is typically used in the XML Renderer Framework, but can be invoked programmatically as in the following example which evaluates to "08-Sep-2000"

caplin.element.parser.DateParser.parse("09/08/2000", {american:"true", outputFormat:"d-M-Y"})

See caplin.element.formatter.DateFormatter for the complementary formatter.

Constructor Summary

Attributes Name and Description

Method Summary

Attributes Name and Description
String parse(Variant vValue, Map mAttributes)

Matches a date string and converts it to a specified output format.

Constructor Detail


Method Detail

String parse(Variant vValue, Map mAttributes)

Matches a date string and converts it to a specified output format. In order to match the date, either a list of explicit inputFormats can be supplied, or an american indicator can be used against a set of standard formats, which are as follows:

American: m-d-Y, m-d-y, M-d-Y, M-d-y, m-d
European: d-m-Y, d-m-Y, d-M-Y, d-M-Y, d-m

Attribute Options:

Option Description
american if true, dates are assumed to be in American format, i.e. month before date (defaults to false)
separators a set of admissible separator characters (defaults to "/.-")
inputFormats a comma separated list of admissible input formats
outputFormat the output date format

Variant vValue the date to parse (String).
Map mAttributes the map of attributes.
the date, expressed in the output format