

Provides information about a change to a directory element.

Constructor Summary

Attributes Name and Description

Method Summary

Attributes Name and Description
void getSubject()


Returns the subject of the directory element that has changed.

void getType()


Returns the subject type of the Directoruy element that has changed.

void isAdded()


Indicates whether this directory element has been added or removed from the directory.

Constructor Detail


Method Detail

void getSubject()


Returns the subject of the directory element that has changed.

* * @returns {String} The directory element's subject.

void getType()


Returns the subject type of the Directoruy element that has changed.

* * @returns {caplin.streamlink.SubjectType} The directory element's subject type.

void isAdded()


Indicates whether this directory element has been added or removed from the directory.

* * @returns {boolean} true if the directory element has been added to the directory, false if it has been removed.