

A Trigger is an object associated with a particular RTTP subject that contains a condition (on the given subjects fields) that when met will trigger a notification message.

Note: Different instances of this class are not equal and will need to be checked for equality manually if the need arises. Use the trigger ID to identify a trigger.

Constructor Summary

Attributes Name and Description

Method Summary

Attributes Name and Description
void getCondition()


Gets the condition that must be met for this trigger to fire a notification.

void getParameters()


Gets a map containing the trigger parameters.

caplin.streamlink.alerts.TriggerState getState()

Gets the current state of the trigger.

void getSubject()


Gets the rttp subject associated with this trigger.

void getTriggerId()


Gets the unique id of the trigger.

Constructor Detail


Method Detail

void getCondition()


Gets the condition that must be met for this trigger to fire a notification.


The format of the condition is the same as that for record filters. * For more details on the format of the condition string, please see the StreamLink Overview document.

* @returns {String} the trigger condition.

void getParameters()


Gets a map containing the trigger parameters.

* @returns {Object} a map containing the trigger parameters.

caplin.streamlink.alerts.TriggerState getState()

Gets the current state of the trigger.

{caplin.streamlink.alerts.TriggerState} the triggers state.

void getSubject()


Gets the rttp subject associated with this trigger.

* @returns {String} the rttp subject associated with this trigger.

void getTriggerId()


Gets the unique id of the trigger.

* @returns {String} the unique id of the trigger.