

Provides access to the statistics relating to an instance of StreamLink.

The StatisticsEvent is provided in an onStatisticsChange callback to a caplin.streamlink.ConnectionListener.

Constructor Summary

Attributes Name and Description

Method Summary

Attributes Name and Description
long getAverageLatency()

Gets the average latency of heartbeat messages sent from Liberator to StreamLink.

void getClockOffset()


Gets the clock offset between Liberator and StreamLink (Liberator time minus StreamLink time).

void getLatency()


Gets the latency of the latest heartbeat message sent from Liberator to StreamLink.

Constructor Detail


Method Detail

long getAverageLatency()

Gets the average latency of heartbeat messages sent from Liberator to StreamLink.

{long} The average heartbeat latency in milliseconds.

void getClockOffset()


Gets the clock offset between Liberator and StreamLink (Liberator time minus StreamLink time).

* @returns {long} The clock offset in milliseconds.

void getLatency()


Gets the latency of the latest heartbeat message sent from Liberator to StreamLink.

* @returns {long} The latest heartbeat latency in milliseconds.