Caplin Front-end Tutorial

These tutorials introduce you to React and Redux and then focus on how to build Caplin front-end applications. They will take you through a complete project cycle, from setting up your project to deploying your application and previewing it in your browser.


In this course, you will learn how to perform the following tasks:

  • Create a React component and manage state.

  • Set up a Redux store so your React components can read data from it.

  • Build a trade tile that displays the rates for a given currency pair, and how to stream currency prices to the tile.

  • Configure your application to trade using the Caplin component library.

  • Create grids from grid templates and customise them.

  • Subscribe to a container and format the display of information contained within it.


This course assumes a working knowledge of JavaScript, Node.js, and React.

This course has the following requirements:

  • (supplied by your Caplin trainer)