Pipeline configuration

These configuration items enable you to add a Lua pipeline to Transformer and specify how Transformer is to use it.

Transformer’s pipeline configuration must be kept in a separate configuration file called pipeline.conf. If you’re using the Deployment Framework, put changes and additions to this configuration in <Framework-root>/global_config/overrides/servers/Transformer/etc/pipeline.conf where <Framework-root> is the Deployment Framework’s topmost directory.


add-pipeline specifies the configuration of a Lua pipeline that is to be loaded into Transformer.


   id              [string]
   pipeline-file   [string]
   add-info        [array of strings]
   discard-func    [string]
   exclude-regex   [array of strings]
   flags           [integer]
   initialise-func [string]
   listener-regex  [array of strings]
   log-flags       [integer]
   nodata-func     [string]
   no-delay-load   [boolean]
   provider-exclude-regex [array of strings]
   provider-regex  [array of strings]
   request-func    [string]
   required-fields [array of strings]
   status-func     [string]
   type            [integer]
   udp-command     [array of strings]
   udpsig-func     [string]
   update-func     [string]
Option Type Default Description


array of strings

NULL (no extra information added)

Specifies extra information that’s added to the pipeline module database (see the Pipeline Database configuration). Each pair of strings in the supplied array is a key + value pair, where the key part constitutes a secondary key in the database. The secondary key + value pair is stored in the database under the primary key /PIPELINE/<pipeline_id>

For example:

add-info foo bar

stores the value "bar" in the database under the primary key /PIPELINE/<pipeline_id> and the secondary key "foo".




The name of the Lua function to call when an update is received whose subject matches the provider-regex pattern, and no modules or peers wish to receive updates for this subject.

The signature of the function must be: function <discard-name>(peer, subject)

The function must return 0 if the discard can’t be handled, or 1 if it can.

This function is always called on the main thread.


array of strings

[an empty list]

A space-separated list of one or more regular expressions used to match (select) the subject names of updates that are not to be processed by this Lua pipeline.

You can put multiple instances of this option in the add-pipeline specification.

Also see listener-regex.

The equivalent option for filtering out the subject names of subscription requests and discard requests is provider-exclude-regex.


string or integer


(no flags specified)

Flags that specify the behaviour of this Lua pipeline. You can specify a flag by name or numeric value:

  • none or 0: No flags specified.

  • manyprovider or 1: The pipeline can receive multiple requests and discards for the same subject.

  • initallatstart or 2: The pipeline’s initialisation function, as defined by the initialise-func option, is to be called on all the pipeline’s threads as soon as the Transformer starts up and the pipeline has been loaded. This setting only works when the no-delay-load option is TRUE.

  • clearupdate or 4: Updates coming into this pipeline will be cleared after processing, to prevent them from being processed by other pipelines or other Transformer modules.

  • suppressupdate or 8: Incoming updates won’t be distributed to connected peers.

  • accessory or 16: Subscriptions on this pipeline are accessory subscriptions. This means that the pipeline doesn’t itself subscribe to any of the subjects for which it listens for updates (see listener-regex). Instead, it assumes that some other pipeline or Transformer module will subscribe to these subjects, and it just listens for any incoming updates relating to them.

Use the | operator to specify compatible multiple flag values; for example:

flags manyprovider|initallatstart



[automatically generated]

A unique identifier for the Lua pipeline. This is used by the add-info option, and is also recorded against entries in the log file specified by the logfile configuration item.

If you don’t define an id, Transformer generates one internally when it loads the pipeline. Its name is pipeline-<index>, where index is the ordinal number of this add-pipeline configuration item within the Transformer’s configuration, starting from zero. For example, the internal id of the twentieth add-pipeline item in the configuration is pipeline-19.




The name of the Lua function to call when the script named in pipeline-file is first loaded.

The signature of the function must be: function <initialise-func-name>()

The initialise function is called when the script is first loaded; it’s always called on the main thread. Subsequently, it may also be called multiple times, depending on the setting of the Pipeline threads configuration item num-threads

The script is normally loaded when a matching update is received, but if you also want the initialise() function to be called when the Transformer is started up, use the no-delay-load option.


string array

[any subject matches, unless it’s excluded by exclude-regex]

A space-separated list of one or more regular expressions used to match (select) the subject names of updates that are to be passed to the Lua function specified in the update-func option. This option’s also used to match the subject names of nodata messages that invoke the Lua function specified in the nodata-func option.

You can put multiple instances of this option in the add-pipeline specification.

The equivalent option for selecting the subject names of subscription requests and discard requests is provider-regex.




(no extra logging)

Flags that specify additional items that can be logged to the logfile for this Lua pipeline. You can specify a flag by name or numeric value:

  • none or 0: No additional logging.

  • update or 1: Additionally log received updates.

  • nodata or 2: Additionally log received nodata indications.

  • filter or 4: Additionally log received filters.

  • timer or 8: Additionally log timer interactions.

  • all or -1: All of update, nodata, filter and timer.

You can only specify one flag value. This means that you can either specify just one type of additional item to log, or you can specify all to include all of the additional items in the log.

To specify additional logging for dynamically created pipelines, use pipeline-logflags.




The name of the Lua function to call when a nodata message is received whose subject (symbol) matches one of the patterns specified by listener-regex

The signature of the function must be: function <nodata-func-name>(peer, symbolname, flags)

In the implementation of the function, don’t inspect the flags parameter, since it has no significance.

This function can be called from any of the Lua pipeline’s worker threads (see num-threads in the Pipeline threads configuration).




When TRUE, this option forces the Lua script named in pipeline-file to be loaded as soon as the Transformer starts up, rather than being loaded only when first required.




The name of the file containing the code for the script of the Lua pipeline that’s to be loaded.

For example: pipeline-file myscript.lua


array of strings

[an empty list]

A space-separated list of one or more regular expressions used to match (select) the subject names of of subscription requests and discard requests that are not to be processed by this Lua pipeline.

You can put multiple instances of this option in the add-pipeline specification.

Also see provider-regex.

The equivalent option for filtering out updates is exclude-regex.


array of strings

[any subject matches, unless it’s excluded by provider-exclude-regex]

A space-separated list of one or more regular expressions used to match (select) the subject names of subscription requests and discard requests that are to be processed by this Lua pipeline.

You can put multiple instances of this option in the add-pipeline specification.

The equivalent option for selecting the subject names of updates is listener-regex.




The name of the Lua function to call when a subscription request is received whose subject (symbol) matches one of the patterns specified by provider-regex.

The signature of the function must be: function <request-func-name>(peer, symbolname)

The function must return 0 if the request can’t be handled, or 1 if it can.

This function is always called on the main thread.


array of strings

[an empty list]

A space-separated list of one or more field names. When the pipeline receives an update (filtered according to the settings of listener-regex and exclude-regex), the update will only be processed if at least one of the fields listed in required-felds is present in the update.

Each field name in the list must correspond to a field name in an add-field configuration item in the relevant fields.conf file.




The name of the Lua function to call when an update to the status of a subject is received, where the subject matches the provider-regex pattern.

The signature of the function must be: function <status-func-name>(feed, subject, status, code, status_message)


  • feed identifies the DataSource peer the update came from.

  • status is the subject status (OK, STALE or LIMITED).

  • code is always 0 (not used).

  • status-message gives more detail about the subject status.

This function is called on the pipeline thread for the subject being processed.



0 (none)

The type of this Lua pipeline, as a name or value:

  • none or 0: This pipeline is not a default pipeline.

  • default or 1: This pipeline is a default pipeline that will capture and process all updates not caught by other pipelines.

Note that the default setting of this option is not default.


[array of strings]


A list of UDP commands that this Lua pipeline will respond to.

When Transformer receives a UDP command that’s in this list, it calls the pipeline’s Lua function that’s specified by the udpsig-func option.

Example: udp-command source_up




The name of the Lua function to call when Transformer receives a UDP command.

The signature of the function must be: function <udpsig-func-name> (msg)

where msg is a string containing the UDP message, the first field of which is the UDP command.

This function can be called from any of the Lua pipeline’s worker threads (see num-threads in the Pipeline threads configuration).




The name of the Lua function to call when an update is received whose subject matches one of the patterns specified by listener-regex

The signature of the function must be: function <update-name>(update)

where the update parameter is of type dsdata (see the DSData Update Packets module in the Lua Pipeline Module API Documentation)

This function can be called from any of the Lua pipeline’s worker threads (see num-threads in the Pipeline threads configuration).


logfile specifies the filename of the pipeline activity log in which pipeline messages are recorded. All log messages generated using the Logging routines package of the Transformer (Lua) Pipeline Module API are also sent to this file (see the Lua Pipeline Module API Documentation). Pipeline database activity is also recorded in this log. (see database-log-options in Pipeline database configuration.)

The filename can contain the parameters %a and %h At run time, %a is replaced by the Transformer’s application name (see the DataSource configuration item application-name), and %h is replaced by the host name of the machine on which the Transformer is running.

Syntax: logfile <log-file-name>

Type: string

Default value: pipeline.log


log-level specifies the severity of errors and events that are reported to the pipeline’s log file (see logfile).

Syntax: log-level <log-level-name>

Type: string

Default value: INFO

Values accepted:

Log-level-name Description


Reports all errors and events.


Reports events and information regarding normal operation, and all events included in the WARN, NOTIFY, ERROR and CRITICAL debug levels.


Reports minor errors and all events included in the NOTIFY, ERROR and CRITICAL log levels.


Reports errors and all events included in the ERROR and CRITICAL log levels.


Reports serious errors and all events included in the CRITICAL log level.


Reports critical errors that prevent the pipeline from running.


pipeline-logflags specifies flags that make dynamic Lua pipelines log additional items to the logfile. (A dynamic pipeline is a pipeline that’s created at run-time by another pipeline.)

Syntax: pipeline-logflags <flag-name1> <flag-name2> <flag-name3> …​

Type: array of strings

Default value: none (no additional logging for dynamic pipelines)

Values accepted:

Flag name Meaning


No additional logging


Additionally log received updates


Additionally log received nodata indications


Additionally log received filters


Additionally log timer interactions


All of update, nodata, filter and timer.


pipeline-logflags update nodata

This configuration causes all dynamic pipelines to log both received updates and received nodata indications in addition to the standard log items.

To specify additional logging for a non-dynamic pipelines, use the log-flags option of add-pipeline.


pipeline-paths specifies a space-separated list of the directory paths where Transformer’s Lua pipeline scripts and libraries can be found. You can separate the scripts and libraries across directories for ease of maintenance.

The directory path can contain the parameter %r At run time, %r is replaced by the root directory (application-root) under which the Transformer runs.

Syntax: pipeline-paths <list-of-directory-paths>

Type: array of strings

Default value: %r/lib/pipeline (This is where the core Caplin-supplied packages reside.)


Here’s some example pipeline configuration.

   # This is a default pipeline
   type                    default
   pipeline-file           mydefaultpipeline.lua
   initialise-func         myinitfunc
   listener-regex          ^/I/.*\.L
   exclude-regex           ^/I/VOD.L
   update-func             myupdatehandler
   nodata-func             mynodatahandler
   provider-regex          ^/I/.*\.L
   provider-exclude-regex  ^/I/VOD.L
   request-func            myrequesthandler
   status-func             mystatushandler
  • The pipeline’s specified as a default pipeline, which means that it captures and processes all updates that aren’t caught by other pipelines. You have to explicitly declare that it’s a default pipeline (type default), because otherwise the default configuration setting of type none would apply, which would mean the pipeline wasn’t a default one.

  • Since there’s no id option in the configuration, the pipeline’s identifier is automatically generated when the pipeline is loaded.

  • The pipeline script is loaded from the file mydefaultpipeline.lua in the (default) directory %r/lib/pipeline and it’s initialised by a call to the function myinitfunc().

  • The myupdatehandler() function of the Lua script mydefaultpipeline.lua handles all updates whose subjects have the form /I/<NAME>.L (specified by listener-regex), except the subject /I/VOD.L/ (specified by exclude-regex). The function mynodatahandler() handles all nodata messages received for the same subjects.

  • The myrequesthandler() function handles all subscription requests for the same subjects, but in this case, the subject filters must be specified by provider-regex and provider-exclude-regex.

    The mystatushandler() function handles all status change messages received for these subjects.

See also: