Installing the Charting Service

The Charting blade is designed for use with Intraday data and can perform the following tasks:

  • Request any field at regular intervals.

  • Cache those field value in a file where they can be used to provide charting data.

  • Perform simple validation. For example, you can check a last trade update is within a certain percentage of the previous value (those that are not are taken as erroneous trades), or reject a last trade price that has a value of 0 (which is part of start-of-day processing).

There are Charting blade tutorial pages that explain how to perform these tasks by configuring and using the blade’s configuration files.

How to install

The Charting Service is provided as a Caplin Platform Blade and is downloaded separately to Caplin Transformer. To deploy the Charting Service blade, see the instructions for Deploying a Caplin-supplied blade.

Charting Blade Tutorials

Tutorials on how to use and configure the blade can be found under the "How Can I…" section:

These tutorials describe the Charting blade for use as part of Caplin Transformer, and are intended for use by those who wish to install, configure and maintain the Caplin Transformer. They explain how to configure the Charting blade for use with Intraday data.

Administrators are assumed to have a working knowledge of Solaris and Linux procedures. The information in these tutorials should be read in conjunction with the Caplin Transformer Administrator’s Guide (see here).

Charting blade code examples can be found under the "Reference" section, on this page:

Configuring the Charting Blade

The options specified in the tutorial pages can be edited in charting.conf, fieldset.conf, watchlist.conf under /global_config/overrides/

A summary of configuration options can be found under the "Reference" section, on this page:

Here you will find a summary of all the Charting blade configuration options along with links to more information already available in the tutorials.